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© 2025

Golden Heart Transition

Conscious Connection

I hope you are all having a great summer! Backyard BBQs and trips to see family, friends and exotic places is such a welcome relief after 2+ years of near isolation. But I know for a few, there are still challenges in gathering together or getting away. For anyone facing those kinds of challenges, I want you to know my heart is with you! 💛

Even for me, who’s healthy and highly vaccinated, as the country and world eases out from under the COVID restrictions, I still made the decision to “staycation” again this year. While getting away sounded like a nice idea, it seemed just as important this year, as in years past, to maintain a bubble of safety for those in my circle who are disabled, sick or nearing end of life. It felt like a small price to pay to know my wellbeing helped contribute to their wellbeing.

But no matter whether you made the same choice to staycation this year or finally made your getaway, I hope you still took some “down time”… some sweet rest… just for you. The most important escape is to be away from calendars and clocks… deadlines, appointments and schedules. I believe I’m speaking for many of us when I share that without carving out a specific block of time whether it be a few days or a few weeks, I will continue to allow my schedule to rule my life. I get caught up in commitments and deadlines and answering emails, and I too easily forget to relax, breathe and come back to myself.

But one thing that has been consistently there for us, even as we faced a deadly virus… always open, always available and only a car ride away (if even that far) is the beautiful outdoors. For me, and hopefully for you too, nature helps me find my equilibrium, my center, once again. I’m rejuvenated when I bring that awareness back into my consciousness, and I’m reminded of the Bible passage that says for everything there is a season and a time for every purpose. My takeaway from that beautiful message is that everything is okay, just as it is.

Being consciously connected to myself rather than my calendar or clock, happens best when I take myself out of automatic pilot mode and reboot my perspective on what’s most important in life. For me, rebooting often manifests as remembering that there is always time to exercise and meditate, and it also reminds me that others don’t need to always understand me or the choices that I make. I hope your reboots brought you similar shifts in your perspectives.

But I believe one of the most important aspects of a big reboot is bringing everything back into my conscious awareness where I can again make choices from my soul about what brings me joy and what brings me peace. I am neither a victim of circumstances, schedules or other people’s expectations of me. This is my life, and mine alone, to live and die as I see fit. Each of us, alone, knows what our individual path is to joy and peace. And while we can be so distracted when the automatic pilot switch is on, we know deep inside what our soul really craves… simply joy and peace. Don’t you think that’s so?

But to find that joy and peace again, we must pause from the normal habitual patterns of our lives. We must be able to take a breath and become conscious again and shake ourselves awake from our unconsciousness. To be “woke”, despite all we’ve heard to the contrary this past year, simply means to come out of our unconscious state (our sleep walking state) and become conscious of what it is we truly want and need… what our inner spirit or soul truly desires.

And when it comes to waking up to what our end of life could be… we can also take a reboot about our habitual ways of thinking about death, that is, if we allow ourselves to think of it at all. It is possible to unclick the automatic pilot button that death is a place of anxiety and darkness, fear and discomfort, and instead, we can consider that it may be a place of joy and peace, even though our bodies and energy will be completely spent in this lifetime.

To help us hit that reset button and regain some new perspectives on death and dying, I offer a path that can help us wake to the possibilities. That path begins with a free class I call “Dying Consciously… Dying Wisely”. In this course, you’ll be introduced to those concepts of dying consciously and wisely and how we can manifest a conscious and wise death through holistic end of life planning.

This week there will be several opportunities to take this free online 90-minute class. If you want to reboot your perspective on death and dying and wake to what’s possible for a conscious death at the end of our lives, please take this first step and choose a time that works best for you. It’s easy to reserve your seat at

  • Monday, August 29th, @ 11:00 a.m.
  • Tuesday, August 30th, @ 3:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 1st, @ 6:00 p.m.

If you have questions about this class or anything about end of life, please don’t hesitate to email me at All questions and feedback are welcome!

Thank you so much for considering a reboot for your soul on how a conscious and wise death would bring more peace and more joy for you and your loved ones!

Gratefully yours in love & light, Karen 💛

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Karen Keeran
GHT President & Founder

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