Last week, I watched one of my 100 year-old patient’s heart break 💔… Not because his 98 y-o wife of 30 years was dying… and not because she was taking the long good-bye of dementia…

No! Two relatively healthy and cognizant centenarians were saying good-bye because their kids were deciding for them that it was the only way to keep them safe… for her to go to WA to be with her kids and for him to stay in CO with his.
I’ve been thinking about him, now sleeping alone in his bed for the first time in 30 years, and I’m wondering… was this the right decision for them? If they had thought this through together 5 years ago, would they have been able to find another solution?

We all grow frail when we’re elderly. Strong at 59, 69, and even sometimes 79… but not so much at 89 and 99. I just can’t help but wonder if there could have been another way… especially if we, in the Western world, were in less denial about what getting older and dying as a super elder really looks like and make plans ahead of time… exactly for that scenario.
My friends, what I witnessed rocks me to my core!! And it really brought home that I never want anyone making these decisions for me about where and with whom I should live! That’s why I’m preparing now!!
Does this strike a cord for you too?!? If so, let’s talk… because you too can prepare now!
Email me at [email protected] to share your thoughts about how this story impacted you and to schedule a private coaching session for yourself and/or an elderly loved one who might be facing some challenging elder care or end of life decisions.
An initial coaching session is free! No strings attached! And if you decide to move forward from there, we can design a custom package just for your or your loved one’s needs.
I also offer some other great options through end of life online group classes!
- ***First*** is a free course, called “Dying Consciously… Dying Wisely”. This intro course answers 2 big questions:
- Why holistic end of life planning is so important now? … and…
- How can a more conscious and wise death help us experience more peace and joy when it’s time to leave everyone and everything we love behind?
Upcoming Dying Consciously…Dying Wisely Dates:
- Wednesday, October 12th 6:00p – 7:30p MT
- Friday, October 21st 10:30a – Noon MT
- Monday, October 24th 6:00p – 7:30p MT
- Wednesday, October 26th 3:00p – 4:30p MT
- Wednesday, November 2nd 2:00p – 3:30p MT
- Friday, November 11th 11:00a – 12:30p MT
- ***Second*** if you are ready to skip the intro and kick-off your planning, join others for the “Best 3 Months ”holistic planning program. This amazing 7-week journey is where you’ll explore 5 critical domains of life and imagine you only have 3 months to live while finding answers to critical questions such as:
- What matters most to me?
- What can’t I live without?
- Where will I die?
- Who will help me fulfill my vision?
- How can I experience more peace and joy when it’s time to leave everyone and everything I love behind?
Upcoming Best 3 Months Dates:
- Tuesdays, November 1, 2022 – December 13, 2022 @ 6:00 – 7:30p MT
- Saturdays, November 5, 2022 – December 17, 2022 @ 10:30 – Noon MT
- ***AND*** The bonus with any class you take is that your elder loved ones will benefit just as much as you… even if they never hear any of this information directly! How does that happen?!? It happens because they have you in their lives!
Please note: The 2022 Best 3 Months program pricing @$150 is about to expire! So lock in your discount now!
To reserve your seat for one of these great classes, please visit, or to sign-up for a free private coaching consultation, email me at [email protected].
Hope to see you soon!! Gratefully yours in love & light, Karen 💛